Wednesday, September 12, 2012

From DRC to France

Everything in DRC takes a long time and if you are a person who turns you life on a schedule you can become frustrated very quickly.  Everything ran late on Saturday and we have several traffic jams on the way to the airport.  Pappa John is my hero, he kept his cool (pretty well) even when our Land Rover was hit in the rear by a public bus.  Not much damage to either vehicle so the drivers got back in their vehicles and took off.  Dennis was very stressed and concerned that we would not make our flight - Mary Frances asked me to pray and agree with her that we would arrive in plenty of time.  It has been really amazing to watch her grow in the three weeks they were at Mamma Helene's.  We did not get to see each other after we boarded the plane, so I was glad we had said see you later in the airport.

I arrived in Brussels late Saturday night and caught my flight to Lyon, France for an overnight flight - really hoping to get some sleep. I found out right away that very few people here speak English.  Some were willing to try and some were just annoyed and pretty much blew me off.  I was faced with the challenge of moving three large suitcases and myself through the airport and find either a bus or train that went to Chambery.  Finally I discovered that the train was a little cheaper than the bus so I took the train.  It took three trips to get the bags moved on to the train and then to my compartment.  I was exhausted.  I had no idea how long the trip would be and was just hoping I would recognize the stop.  Finally I saw the sign that said Chambery and a sweet man helped me get my luggage off the train.  I had to move everything under the street down three flights of stairs as the lift (elevator) was not working.  Then on the other side back up three flights of stairs.  At this point I was really asking God for some help and at the top of the stairs was a woman carrying a bag, a purse and a suitcase with metal elbow crutches.  I just smiled as I carried one bag up to the first landing and set it down.  I asked her if I could carry her bag down the stairs for her.  She nearly cried - and I knew exactly how she felt.  I got her bag to the bottom of the stairs and bid her to "have a good day" and turned around and grabbed the next bag and headed up to the landing with a smile.  Funny how Dad does things like that to help me grow and get a better perspective.  When I got out on the street I had no idea where to go.  Since it was Sunday I was sure that was no one at the University - so I decided the best course of action would be to find a hotel.  I looked right and left and across the street and there were several options - but I have learned.  I saw an attendant and asked him if he spoke English - a little was the response which usually means  a couple of phrases.  He lead me to a place to get a map and pointed to the Art Hotel.  I thanked him and went to check in.  The man at the desk was very kind and his English was better - we laughed his English was about the same as my French.

I decided to take a walk around and see if I could find some of the sights I had seen on line.  I was determined to find the Elephant fountain which in in the center of downtown and everyone uses it to give directions.  The local bus station was just  a few blocks from the hotel on the way to Elephant fountain.  I found out that almost everything is closed on Sunday - the strange thing for me was that I did not see any active churches.  There were a couple of older buildings that are now more like museums so it will be interesting finding a church here.  I had a great walk and found some parks, shops and lots of restaurants.  It is a beautiful little city, the sun is shining, the flowers are in full bloom and everything is so green here.  I am looking forward to exploring this new place and finding out what God has in mind here.

I came back to my room and was excited to see a TV and know that I have Internet.  I haven't had a TV in over two months.  I turned it on and every Chanel was in French - guess I'll be practicing my French every night :)  The Internet connection is so much better than DRC I am looking forward to skypeing the kids - but that will come later. My room has a bathtub and a handheld shower head!!!  Score - I can have a bath and/or a shower - first one is six weeks - no more bucket baths!!   I am exhausted and I am going to sleep in a clean bed with pillows and without mosquitoes - I am a happy camper!  I will go to the University tomorrow and check in.  Then we will begin to  look for a bank, an apartment and get a cell phone - how hard can it be right?  I'll let you know how it goes - sweet dreams to all.

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