Thursday, September 20, 2012

First day of class in France

Today I decided that I had to go to the laundry mat.  I had a meeting at the University at 10:00 which went well and next - tackle three weeks worth of laundry!  I got back to the hotel and asked my friend at the desk where the laundry mat was, she gave me directions but said I should probably buy the laundry soap in the store because she did not know if they sold it in the laundry or not.  So off to the market I went - ok it's all in French and brands I have never heard of right!  So I stand there staring and picking up this bottle and then that bottle - is this even laundry detergent???  Then coming down the isle toward me was a pretty young lady.   So  I simply asked what she used to wash her clothes - she pointed it out to me and I headed to the check out.  I just wanted to make sure I wasn't buying dishwashing detergent to do my laundry :)

Now back to the hotel and up to the room.  I had sorted everything the night before so it was all ready.  I had four small bags and one large green bag with jeans.  Since I could not carry them all I decided to take the four small bags, do them and then come back for the big bag.  I walked about three blocks to the laundry and when I got there the door was locked.  I had sit everything down so I could ring the buzzer for the door to be unlocked.  I got inside and again everything is in French - of course I am in France right??  Anyway I figured out how much for each washer and then figured out that you paid in a central location on the wall for all the washers.  The little red light was flashing and it would not take any money - so I could not wash my clothes.  There was no attendant to ask for assistance so I picked up my four bags of still dirty clothes and walked back to the hotel.  It's a good thing I am moving Saturday and there is a washing machine there or I might be in trouble :) 

I had my first class a the University of Savoie tonight - 5:30 to 7:30.  It is a class on the Society and Culture of Great Britain and the United States.  It is taught in English to help International students improve their English speaking skills and business terminology.  When the professor found out I was from America he asked me to pronounce words the way we do in America - so I let them know how we say it in Missouri :)  Many of the French say they like my accent and that I speak slow enough for them to understand.  Then he asked me if I would be willing to write a paper on the election process in American  and give a presentation to the class.  I said I would if I could do it after I move and he said I could let him know when I was ready - even if I wanted to wait until after the election.  We talked after class and I told him I did not want to intimidate the other students and he said he was excited I was in the class.  Outside several of the students wanted to talk and also said they were glad I was in the class.

I got back to the hotel about 8:00 and there was a group of college students having a bible study - so you know I had to crash the party.  We had a great time - even thought I didn't understand a lot of what was said - I am picking up more and more words every day.  The man and woman leading it were from the United States.  They have been here over twenty years and lead this Bible study every year for the exchange students.  Three of them were exchange students from the U.S. - one from Michigan, another from Nebraska and the third from Montana.  We shared and talked until 10:30.  The kids (as I call them) kept telling me that France has such a need for missionaries.  One of the girls from the states said she wished I could meet her mom.  She said her mom had lost the passion for Jesus that she once had.  It still amazes me that kids don't see me as being the same age as their moms but I can still call them kids :) 

Next week I think will be a time of much needed rest. I only have a couple of things scheduled and they are both at the end of the week.   I will be moved in and settled - I need to spend some alone and quiet time with my Dad to see what the next steps are.  I have several options in the coming months and I just need some clarity and some R & R :)  I'm looking forward to my upper room, when you see the pictures of my apartment you'll understand what I'm talking about. 

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