Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bitter Sweet Day

Ok so today was bitter sweet for me.  I started off ready to meet the lady who owns the apartment that I am looking at this morning.  So I am up and headed out at 9:30 to meet her and a lady from the school who will translate for us.  When I get to the corner I notice that there is a street market going on - oh yes it is Saturday morning market, I forgot! Now I am doubly excited and since I am early for our meeting I decide to do a little shopping.  I find a seam ripper that I was needing and took a few pictures.  I got to the corner just as the lady from the school was getting there.  We chatted for a few minutes and then began to wonder when the landlady was.  After a quick call to discover that we had yet another miscommunication and we needed to be at another corner.  We hustled over to the other corner and met her.  I had been told that it was a studio apartment so I knew it was not going to be big and it was furnished.  When we arrived the lady who was still living there did not know that we were coming - oops!  When the landlady opened the door from the sidewalk it was dark and musty like the old stone buildings are here.  The stairs are narrow - no lift and the railing is a piece of small pipe screwed into the wall.  When we got to the third floor she went around the corner to two very nice wooden doors - the one on the left is the one we were looking at.  When she opened the door I wanted to cry - there is a woman living there who is probably in her late 60's and it smelled like an old person's home (if you know what I mean).  There was too much furniture in the small rooms and you could barely move around.  The kitchen/living room are combined in about a 12 x 12 room.  The bathroom has a sink, stool and shower so close they are almost touching each other and the room is probably five feet wide.  The bedroom has a window and a closet which is a plus.  It also has a twin bed.  I can do a twin if I have to, but I would rather not.  There was a small dorm frig sitting on top of another frig that doesn't work.  She said that she was going to buy a new frig before I moved in.  All my emotions welled up inside me and I wanted to cry.  Now I know why the price is so much lower than most of the apartments I had looked at.  I gathered myself together and said Dad if this is where you want me then this is where I will be.  We thanked the tenant for letting us look on such short notice and left.

I took my fruit and treasures back to the hotel and decided that I needed to just get outside.  I grabbed my camera and satchel and headed for the bus stop.  I decided that I would go to the lake and sit and talk to Dad.  I caught bus number three and rode it as far as it would go.  When we reached the last stop I asked the driver where the lake was.  He pointed to the left and said in the next village - ask someone.  I thanked him and off I went.  It was a beautiful afternoon and I enjoyed the sun shine on my face.  There was just a gentle breeze that kept it from being too warm as I walked along the highway.  I stopped and took pictures, admired the mountains and noticed things I would not have seen riding in a car.  When I arrived at the next village I did not see anything that remotely looked like a lake.  I walked past what looked like a major intersection and kept going around the corner.  I saw a young couple depositing their trash and just felt a gentle nudge to ask them where the lake was.  So I called across the street and asked if either of them spoke English.  They couldn't hear because of the traffic so they crossed the street to see what I needed.  Their English was better than my French, which still is not saying much but we managed to understand each other.  They conversed as to the best way to tell me how to go and then suddenly decided that they would take me there.  I assured them that they did not need to do that but they insisted.  We had a wonderful time as we walked all over the village.  They told what things were in French and I gave them the English word.  We went to the center of town where some beautiful fountains were glistening in the sunshine.  We passed by the Casino and Beredicte called it their Las Vegas.  I asked them if they had gotten rich there and we all laughed.  They took me past the glider plane strip and we watched planes launch and land - it was amazing - I might want to try that some day.  Finally we made it to the lake and I laughed.  Back in Missouri where I am from we would have called it a pond.  They roped on sections to indicate the activity that could go on there.  The first section was roped off for the kid to swim, the second was for the adults and the third was a section just for fishing.  There was a nice park around it and we had a great walk.  As it was nearly 3:30 it was time to find something cold to drink so they suggested a little indoor/outdoor cafe.  As we sat and talked Jean-Phillipe shared that they were Christians and I smiled and said that I was not surprised.  We continued for a bit to share our faith and take pictures.  I asked them where they attend church and wouldn't you know it they come into Chambery!  I laughed and told them how I had been praying for God to show me where to go and to help me find some Christian people.  I did not know He would take me into another village to do it.  He always makes me smile.  They decided to drive me back to Chambery and drop me off at the hotel.  They wanted to know where it was so they can pick me up in the morning.  Love these kids - they have only been married three years. I am excited to see what God has in store!
When I got back to my room I decided to take another walk - you would think I would weight like 3 pounds by now with all the walking!!! Anyway I grabbed my camera again and walked to the apartment we had looked at.  I wanted a better look and took some pictures.  I walked on up the street to see what else was in the area and I made a decision.  I asked Dad if this was the place He had for me that He would make it clear and if not that He would shut the door.  Either way, I will be happy because we are together.  That is how I am determining to live the rest of my life - He and I will be happy where ever that is.

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