Thursday, September 20, 2012

First day of class in France

Today I decided that I had to go to the laundry mat.  I had a meeting at the University at 10:00 which went well and next - tackle three weeks worth of laundry!  I got back to the hotel and asked my friend at the desk where the laundry mat was, she gave me directions but said I should probably buy the laundry soap in the store because she did not know if they sold it in the laundry or not.  So off to the market I went - ok it's all in French and brands I have never heard of right!  So I stand there staring and picking up this bottle and then that bottle - is this even laundry detergent???  Then coming down the isle toward me was a pretty young lady.   So  I simply asked what she used to wash her clothes - she pointed it out to me and I headed to the check out.  I just wanted to make sure I wasn't buying dishwashing detergent to do my laundry :)

Now back to the hotel and up to the room.  I had sorted everything the night before so it was all ready.  I had four small bags and one large green bag with jeans.  Since I could not carry them all I decided to take the four small bags, do them and then come back for the big bag.  I walked about three blocks to the laundry and when I got there the door was locked.  I had sit everything down so I could ring the buzzer for the door to be unlocked.  I got inside and again everything is in French - of course I am in France right??  Anyway I figured out how much for each washer and then figured out that you paid in a central location on the wall for all the washers.  The little red light was flashing and it would not take any money - so I could not wash my clothes.  There was no attendant to ask for assistance so I picked up my four bags of still dirty clothes and walked back to the hotel.  It's a good thing I am moving Saturday and there is a washing machine there or I might be in trouble :) 

I had my first class a the University of Savoie tonight - 5:30 to 7:30.  It is a class on the Society and Culture of Great Britain and the United States.  It is taught in English to help International students improve their English speaking skills and business terminology.  When the professor found out I was from America he asked me to pronounce words the way we do in America - so I let them know how we say it in Missouri :)  Many of the French say they like my accent and that I speak slow enough for them to understand.  Then he asked me if I would be willing to write a paper on the election process in American  and give a presentation to the class.  I said I would if I could do it after I move and he said I could let him know when I was ready - even if I wanted to wait until after the election.  We talked after class and I told him I did not want to intimidate the other students and he said he was excited I was in the class.  Outside several of the students wanted to talk and also said they were glad I was in the class.

I got back to the hotel about 8:00 and there was a group of college students having a bible study - so you know I had to crash the party.  We had a great time - even thought I didn't understand a lot of what was said - I am picking up more and more words every day.  The man and woman leading it were from the United States.  They have been here over twenty years and lead this Bible study every year for the exchange students.  Three of them were exchange students from the U.S. - one from Michigan, another from Nebraska and the third from Montana.  We shared and talked until 10:30.  The kids (as I call them) kept telling me that France has such a need for missionaries.  One of the girls from the states said she wished I could meet her mom.  She said her mom had lost the passion for Jesus that she once had.  It still amazes me that kids don't see me as being the same age as their moms but I can still call them kids :) 

Next week I think will be a time of much needed rest. I only have a couple of things scheduled and they are both at the end of the week.   I will be moved in and settled - I need to spend some alone and quiet time with my Dad to see what the next steps are.  I have several options in the coming months and I just need some clarity and some R & R :)  I'm looking forward to my upper room, when you see the pictures of my apartment you'll understand what I'm talking about. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

They Are An Answer To My Prayers

I had struggled all weekend with this apartment thing.  So Sunday while I was at church (which was in French) I asked God why I was struggling so much with this.  It was almost like He smiled and said, "you know this is not the place for you but you have heard so much negative about the possibility of you finding an apartment you are acting out of desperation - you are not desperate!"  As soon as I made the decision not to take the apartment I had such peace - I can't tell you.  He just kept reminding me that He is not broke and neither am I!!  So first thing Monday morning I had Marie-lne call the landlady and tell her I would not take the apartment.  There was such peace and joy that I almost skipped out of her office. She looked at me like I was nuts - she's not the first to think that.  But she does not know my Dad nor does she know the conversation we had had this weekend. 

Before I got back to the apartment I had a message from Grace to call Fran (two ladies I met last Sunday at Church)  about a new apartment in a house pretty close to the church.  Fran and I went to see it Monday afternoon.  Jack was very nice and the apartment is brand new - no one had lived in it.  He and his wife built two apartments on to the back of their house and he did all the wood work himself - it's amazing.  Anyway they did not ask me for an assurance letter or deposit from the bank.  In France you have to have a native French person sign a guarantee that if you skip town they will pay your rent.  CRAZY - even the French people think so, but they have to do it even for each other.  So Fran picked me up at the hotel and took me to the apartment - Jack does not speak English and my French still leaves a lot to be desired, so she interpreted for us.  The studio (as I call it) was nice but quite a distance from the bus stop and not exactly the floor plan I would have chosen - the bedroom is upstairs and the bathroom is downstairs :(  I told him I would think about it and let him know in the morning as I had another apartment closer to the bus stop to look at that afternoon.  Fran could not go with me to the second apartment but it was fine because the landlady spoke English.  That apartment was worse than the first apartment I had looked at so I called Fran to let Jack know that I wanted the apartment.  There was an unfurnished apartment that I had seen that I really, really liked that kept tugging at me as well.   When she called back she said that Jack was showing the apartment the next day and would let me know by 7:00 Tuesday night.  Again I prayed - God if this is the one you want me to have make it clear and if not make it clear.  So at 6:00 Fran called and said that I could have the apartment if I wanted it.  I still did not have an answer so I told her I was going to take the bus out there and see how it would be to walk at night.  On the 15 minute walk from the bus stop to the house Dad and I talked again.  I reaffirmed to Him that I wanted to be where He wanted me to be and if it was "my" desire that was in the way to let me know.   When I got to the house Jack saw me and invited me into the courtyard.  He said his wife would be home soon and I asked to see the apartment one more time.  We had just finished looking upstairs when Annekathrin came home.  She is German/French and a wonderful lady.  She speaks pretty good English and we had a good chat.  It was after meeting them both and talking with them that I knew this was the place for me - not so much for the apartment but for what God wants to do in their lives :)  I told them that I would take the apartment and asked how soon I could move in. Their response was as soon as I get the renter's insurance.  We discussed some of the details and  Annekathrin took me back to the hotel while Jack fixed dinner for them. 

Today Jack found renter's insurance for me and they asked me to met them at the house at 5:00.  Annekathrin took me to the insurance agency so she could translate for me and we got the renter's insurance (mandatory in France).  Then we went back to the house and Jack called the phone company and got that taken care of.  Annekathrin said she wanted to take me back to the hotel and she drove the opposite direction to town so she could show me how to get to the University from the house. 

I said all that to say this - God is so awesome and I know that He has the rest of the details worked out.  I have a bank account and an apartment in France without knowing anybody.  It took me three weeks - but unless you have been here and faced all the road blocks you really can't appreciate how much of a miracle that is.  My apartment is fully furnished with everything I will possible need and Annekathrin said if I need something that is not there to just ask.  It is also the newest and least expensive apartment I looked at.  As we were finishing up tonight I told them I needed to know how to have the bank make the check out Friday morning because I don't have my checks yet.  We discussed the deposit and first month's rent and how to direct deposit it.  When I asked them the prorated amount for the rest of September they both said - "no nothing" just pay the first of October!!!!

When I would thank Annekathrin today she would say I can't believe that you would go to Africa and then come here and know no one.  She probably made reference to it two or three times today.  She wanted to know how I knew Fran and I told her I met her a church and that there were five people from the Church looking for an apartment for me.  She said that she had read how in America that people could go to the church when they could not get help from the government and she thought that was amazing.  She said it is not like that here in France.  When I told her that she and Jack were an answer to my prayer she didn't know what I meant.   I told her that I had prayed that someone would be willing to rent to me without the assurance.  I told her that they were the answer to that prayer.  She said, "I guess it could be if you believe it is so".  I am excited to see what God has in store for this quiet little community and for Jack and Annekathrin!!!

Again thank you everyone for your prayers - Grace calls me a missionary.  I don't really think of myself that way - I just know that God puts me in places where the ground is hard and He just waters.  I love to watch people bloom like beautiful flowers - watered and fed by the Spirit of God. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bitter Sweet Day

Ok so today was bitter sweet for me.  I started off ready to meet the lady who owns the apartment that I am looking at this morning.  So I am up and headed out at 9:30 to meet her and a lady from the school who will translate for us.  When I get to the corner I notice that there is a street market going on - oh yes it is Saturday morning market, I forgot! Now I am doubly excited and since I am early for our meeting I decide to do a little shopping.  I find a seam ripper that I was needing and took a few pictures.  I got to the corner just as the lady from the school was getting there.  We chatted for a few minutes and then began to wonder when the landlady was.  After a quick call to discover that we had yet another miscommunication and we needed to be at another corner.  We hustled over to the other corner and met her.  I had been told that it was a studio apartment so I knew it was not going to be big and it was furnished.  When we arrived the lady who was still living there did not know that we were coming - oops!  When the landlady opened the door from the sidewalk it was dark and musty like the old stone buildings are here.  The stairs are narrow - no lift and the railing is a piece of small pipe screwed into the wall.  When we got to the third floor she went around the corner to two very nice wooden doors - the one on the left is the one we were looking at.  When she opened the door I wanted to cry - there is a woman living there who is probably in her late 60's and it smelled like an old person's home (if you know what I mean).  There was too much furniture in the small rooms and you could barely move around.  The kitchen/living room are combined in about a 12 x 12 room.  The bathroom has a sink, stool and shower so close they are almost touching each other and the room is probably five feet wide.  The bedroom has a window and a closet which is a plus.  It also has a twin bed.  I can do a twin if I have to, but I would rather not.  There was a small dorm frig sitting on top of another frig that doesn't work.  She said that she was going to buy a new frig before I moved in.  All my emotions welled up inside me and I wanted to cry.  Now I know why the price is so much lower than most of the apartments I had looked at.  I gathered myself together and said Dad if this is where you want me then this is where I will be.  We thanked the tenant for letting us look on such short notice and left.

I took my fruit and treasures back to the hotel and decided that I needed to just get outside.  I grabbed my camera and satchel and headed for the bus stop.  I decided that I would go to the lake and sit and talk to Dad.  I caught bus number three and rode it as far as it would go.  When we reached the last stop I asked the driver where the lake was.  He pointed to the left and said in the next village - ask someone.  I thanked him and off I went.  It was a beautiful afternoon and I enjoyed the sun shine on my face.  There was just a gentle breeze that kept it from being too warm as I walked along the highway.  I stopped and took pictures, admired the mountains and noticed things I would not have seen riding in a car.  When I arrived at the next village I did not see anything that remotely looked like a lake.  I walked past what looked like a major intersection and kept going around the corner.  I saw a young couple depositing their trash and just felt a gentle nudge to ask them where the lake was.  So I called across the street and asked if either of them spoke English.  They couldn't hear because of the traffic so they crossed the street to see what I needed.  Their English was better than my French, which still is not saying much but we managed to understand each other.  They conversed as to the best way to tell me how to go and then suddenly decided that they would take me there.  I assured them that they did not need to do that but they insisted.  We had a wonderful time as we walked all over the village.  They told what things were in French and I gave them the English word.  We went to the center of town where some beautiful fountains were glistening in the sunshine.  We passed by the Casino and Beredicte called it their Las Vegas.  I asked them if they had gotten rich there and we all laughed.  They took me past the glider plane strip and we watched planes launch and land - it was amazing - I might want to try that some day.  Finally we made it to the lake and I laughed.  Back in Missouri where I am from we would have called it a pond.  They roped on sections to indicate the activity that could go on there.  The first section was roped off for the kid to swim, the second was for the adults and the third was a section just for fishing.  There was a nice park around it and we had a great walk.  As it was nearly 3:30 it was time to find something cold to drink so they suggested a little indoor/outdoor cafe.  As we sat and talked Jean-Phillipe shared that they were Christians and I smiled and said that I was not surprised.  We continued for a bit to share our faith and take pictures.  I asked them where they attend church and wouldn't you know it they come into Chambery!  I laughed and told them how I had been praying for God to show me where to go and to help me find some Christian people.  I did not know He would take me into another village to do it.  He always makes me smile.  They decided to drive me back to Chambery and drop me off at the hotel.  They wanted to know where it was so they can pick me up in the morning.  Love these kids - they have only been married three years. I am excited to see what God has in store!
When I got back to my room I decided to take another walk - you would think I would weight like 3 pounds by now with all the walking!!! Anyway I grabbed my camera again and walked to the apartment we had looked at.  I wanted a better look and took some pictures.  I walked on up the street to see what else was in the area and I made a decision.  I asked Dad if this was the place He had for me that He would make it clear and if not that He would shut the door.  Either way, I will be happy because we are together.  That is how I am determining to live the rest of my life - He and I will be happy where ever that is.

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Circle

I have so many things to write I really don't even know where to start.  When I left the hotel on Monday to go to the University everyone asked me which University of Savoie because there are three?  I kept saying the one here in Chambery, but that didn't seem to make a dent.  Anyway the sweet lady at the desk told me to take a certain bus and I thanked her and off I went.  I found the bus station, which is not far from my hotel.  I got on the bus, paid my 1euro 20 and off we went.  The bus headed north and out of town, past corn fields and up the mountain.  I thought I will really have to plan ahead because it was about a 20 minute bus ride.  When I got there I looked for a building that might be the be where they were doing registrations.  I went up the stairs and found some professors - it is funny when I ask if anyone speaks English people scatter.  It is like they are afraid to try - that is what I found in DRC as well.  One gentleman smiled and assured me that I was at the wrong campus but that he was glad I had found it anyway.

So back on the bus and back into the center of Chambery.  I asked again and was told to take bus 2 that it would take me to University of Savoie, Jacob-Bellecombette.  When I arrived at this campus they ladies told me that I was at the wrong campus as well, that there were two more campus sites and I needed to go down the hill.  So I smiled and walked down the hill to the business school.  The name had been changed last year to the IAE Savoie, Mont-Blanc.  We visited for a few minutes and then she told me that I needed to go to another building downtown because I was an international exchange student - I said "are you kidding me?"  I had started at 8:30 that morning and it was 2:00 in the afternoon.  She called and made sure Margarete would be there and since she was they sent me off with "directions".  Needless to say I took a wrong turn and ended up almost completely out of town so I caught a bus and went back downtown and started from there.  When I met with Margarete it was her first day in a new job she was sweet but she was almost as clueless as I was!  I spent all day and accomplished nothing - amazing!

Tomorrow I will have been here for two weeks.  I have managed to get enrolled at IAE, however, their English Business courses are not taught until next semester soooooo that caused another problem.  I am over 24 which in France causes a lot of issues as far as things are concerned with college students.  People look at me so funny when I tell them I am a University student.  The women I have been working with are sweet but many of them are new in their positions this year and we are all learning together.  Since I am a non-traditional student that makes everything much more challenging.  MSSU loves and invites non-trad students - I was blessed to be there my first two years and I can say without a doubt I miss you guys tremendously!

The second issue is that I can to a country without knowing a single person here.  I knew that I did not want to stay in a dorm with several young college students, many of whom were away from home for the first time!  So I walked around looking for "for rent" signs in the yard like they do in the states.  However, here they put the signs in the windows of the actual apartment for rent and you must call an "immobiler" realestate agent who will schedule you an appointment.  The most popular way is to go on line and look at pictures and choose the one you want to see and contact the immobiler that way.  However, what I did not know here is that you cannot rent an apartment without establishing a checking account here in the country first, that you must have someone who will be a guarantee for you (so you don't skip town without paying your rent) and a local phone number.  The really neat part about that is you can't get a bank account without a local address and a local phone number.  You also can't get a cell phone plan without a local bank account and a local address.  You can see how the circle is created.  And now you know why I posted this morning that the circle had been broken!!!  I had been praying for the person who would break the circle and I met her yesterday.

Yesterday was like a mass group orientation for the exchange students who did not go to the first meeting last week.  I sat through another group meeting that was completely in French and they went over papers that I had already filled out - the meeting was 2 hours long!  At the end I talked to Marie-lne who has been helping me try to find an apartment when the representative from the bank asked me if I had set up an account yet.  Well I answered her by simply saying "no" and the rep from the University pulled me over to talk to her.  When I explained what I had run into she said that it was true that she could not help me until I got a local address.  At that point I had just had enough - I asked her how I was supposed to do that since the endless circle needed to be broken.  The University rep went and talked with Marie-lne and discovered that what I was saying was true.  It was then by putting our heads together that the bank rep broke the circle.   God gave us a creative idea and this morning I opened a bank account with a hotel address - unheard of here.  Thank you God!!

This is just a small sample of what it has been like for the first two weeks.  I am completely dependant on public transportation or walking.  For all of you who know me - I usually drive so this has been a real stretch.  However, even in that God has been good.  In DRC I had a driver or walked or had the option of public transport.  So He has prepared me gradually.  I have not been around so much cigarette smoke in years!!!  For a country who is obsessed with recycling and natural foods - many people smoke and drink Coke - makes me smile.  Also the majority of people don't say "excuse me" they will bump into you, walk in front of you or even take something off the rack in front of you and never say a word.  Many people won't look at you when walking down the street.  So you know that I am walking looking directly at them and smiling while saying "bonjour".  Some will look up and stare, others will ignore me, but some will smile back and respond "bonjour".  It is so much fun!!

The prophetic words I had all those years about pack and don't unpack your bags seems to be coming true.  The last one was "pack light" and for DRC that was definitely the case.  I left with five suitcases for six weeks and left most of the contents and the largest suitecase there.  I have had to buys some long pants and long sleeve tops because all I arrived here with was the summer clothing I had taken to DRC.  It is so hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that I have lived outside the United States for almost two months now!  In many ways I have been so busy the time has really flown by. 

Tomorrow morning I am meeting a couple of ladies and we will go look at a studio apartment.  It is furnished and the rent is cheaper than most of what I have looked at.  I have lived the last seven weeks with just a bed, my suitcases and a bathroom.  This has two rooms, a washing machine, a couch, maybe a refrigerator and a two burner counter top stove!  Waahoo  The great part is I won't have to try and sell furniture when it is time for me to leave France.  

God is so good and has blessed me beyond words.  People have said to me that I am living an adventure and I guess I am.  I know that traveling and helping people has always been a dream of mine and I guess I beginning to live my dream.  I also know that I know my heavenly Father - my Dad - in ways that I would not have known Him had we not been on this journey together for the past three years!  For you who have walked with me and prayed for me - look where we have come in three years!!!! God knows I haven't done it all perfect or even done some things right, but I am moving forward and I will do what He created me to do!!!  We will see what the next chapter holds in store - love and blessings

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

From DRC to France

Everything in DRC takes a long time and if you are a person who turns you life on a schedule you can become frustrated very quickly.  Everything ran late on Saturday and we have several traffic jams on the way to the airport.  Pappa John is my hero, he kept his cool (pretty well) even when our Land Rover was hit in the rear by a public bus.  Not much damage to either vehicle so the drivers got back in their vehicles and took off.  Dennis was very stressed and concerned that we would not make our flight - Mary Frances asked me to pray and agree with her that we would arrive in plenty of time.  It has been really amazing to watch her grow in the three weeks they were at Mamma Helene's.  We did not get to see each other after we boarded the plane, so I was glad we had said see you later in the airport.

I arrived in Brussels late Saturday night and caught my flight to Lyon, France for an overnight flight - really hoping to get some sleep. I found out right away that very few people here speak English.  Some were willing to try and some were just annoyed and pretty much blew me off.  I was faced with the challenge of moving three large suitcases and myself through the airport and find either a bus or train that went to Chambery.  Finally I discovered that the train was a little cheaper than the bus so I took the train.  It took three trips to get the bags moved on to the train and then to my compartment.  I was exhausted.  I had no idea how long the trip would be and was just hoping I would recognize the stop.  Finally I saw the sign that said Chambery and a sweet man helped me get my luggage off the train.  I had to move everything under the street down three flights of stairs as the lift (elevator) was not working.  Then on the other side back up three flights of stairs.  At this point I was really asking God for some help and at the top of the stairs was a woman carrying a bag, a purse and a suitcase with metal elbow crutches.  I just smiled as I carried one bag up to the first landing and set it down.  I asked her if I could carry her bag down the stairs for her.  She nearly cried - and I knew exactly how she felt.  I got her bag to the bottom of the stairs and bid her to "have a good day" and turned around and grabbed the next bag and headed up to the landing with a smile.  Funny how Dad does things like that to help me grow and get a better perspective.  When I got out on the street I had no idea where to go.  Since it was Sunday I was sure that was no one at the University - so I decided the best course of action would be to find a hotel.  I looked right and left and across the street and there were several options - but I have learned.  I saw an attendant and asked him if he spoke English - a little was the response which usually means  a couple of phrases.  He lead me to a place to get a map and pointed to the Art Hotel.  I thanked him and went to check in.  The man at the desk was very kind and his English was better - we laughed his English was about the same as my French.

I decided to take a walk around and see if I could find some of the sights I had seen on line.  I was determined to find the Elephant fountain which in in the center of downtown and everyone uses it to give directions.  The local bus station was just  a few blocks from the hotel on the way to Elephant fountain.  I found out that almost everything is closed on Sunday - the strange thing for me was that I did not see any active churches.  There were a couple of older buildings that are now more like museums so it will be interesting finding a church here.  I had a great walk and found some parks, shops and lots of restaurants.  It is a beautiful little city, the sun is shining, the flowers are in full bloom and everything is so green here.  I am looking forward to exploring this new place and finding out what God has in mind here.

I came back to my room and was excited to see a TV and know that I have Internet.  I haven't had a TV in over two months.  I turned it on and every Chanel was in French - guess I'll be practicing my French every night :)  The Internet connection is so much better than DRC I am looking forward to skypeing the kids - but that will come later. My room has a bathtub and a handheld shower head!!!  Score - I can have a bath and/or a shower - first one is six weeks - no more bucket baths!!   I am exhausted and I am going to sleep in a clean bed with pillows and without mosquitoes - I am a happy camper!  I will go to the University tomorrow and check in.  Then we will begin to  look for a bank, an apartment and get a cell phone - how hard can it be right?  I'll let you know how it goes - sweet dreams to all.