Monday, March 19, 2012

Getting it Done

We worked hard yesterday cutting up a huge elm tree that fell over from the winds last week.  Brian, Jason, Leslie and grand kids worked really hard most of the afternoon.  I am sure that old elm was over a hundred years old.  It was so big that the chain saws the boys had would not cut through it.  I also found the house has also sustained some damage from the winds so I guess that is now added to the list.  Then I got to have supper with Brian, Amy and Brayden, and of course we had to play in his room for a while.  I am soooo loving every chance I get to spend time with my grand kids before I go.

So after class today I will be checking with the insurance company, locating a realtor, trying to finish my application for enrollment to the University of Savoie, France and apply for my student visa.  Oh yeah, I need to working on building my business, checking my work schedule and studying for classes on Wednesday! 

I also found out yesterday that Jerry will be getting married in June.  I can't say that I am surprised I knew it wouldn't be very long.  I talked with his dad yesterday and I hurt so much for all of them.  It seems hard for the boys to talk about . . . . I hope Jerry will finally be happy. 

On the other hand I have a lot to do between now and June to get ready..........If anyone has any good ideas about how to pack to move to another country I would love to hear your ideas.  I started sorting through some things last week, thinking if I do a little at a time it won't seem like such a big mountain in May. 

I am also finding that I have a desire just to stay "home" that I have not had before.  I just want to snuggle down and not go anywhere. . . .which is not like me.  Sometimes I look around and know that in a very short time I won't be here.  I really like my apartment and have been so blessed by it, I know God picked it out just for me.  I am trusting that in the same way He will go before me and choose where He wants me for the rest of my journey.  I continue to make plans, but I trust Him to direct my steps and change my course if I am heading in the wrong direction.

I am praying that we all have the strength and perseverance to do what God is calling us to in this next season of our lives.  Many of us are stepping out into uncharted waters and I pray we will not be afraid but will move more in sink with Him.  May His grace and peace be a signpost in our lives as we continue to stay positioned under His protection and provision.  I love you Dad and I am so grateful for your sweet presence everyday of my life. 

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