Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Give a Man a Fish

So if you have been following along, you know that this picture and these words have become my battle cry.

This past week I have been challenged on many levels, misunderstood and again finding myself in uncharted waters.  I have been networking with people from around the world, making connections and having wonderful conversations.  I enjoy being able to connect people and resources, basically to be able help people any way I can.  

A missionary in Asia and I were talking this weekend, how do you talk to people about this new concept of missions.  People are struggling understand developing businesses to support and grow their ministry.  How can we help people understand that providing skills and job opportunities is missions?  What about preaching the gospel?  How do we fund it, how do we talk to people about it?  How do we help people understand that it is not one or the other; but both.

Another missionary friend in Africa posted a saying that we have all heard, "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime" -  Point him towards Jesus and he will find eternal life and will thirst and hunger no more."  My response was, "how amazing is it that God is raising up a group of people who are doing both".  God is not just interested in our eternal life, but also interested in every aspect of life here and now.  Otherwise Jesus would not have spent so much time talking about how to treat others as well as how to live out your life. 

Another missionary friend from Central America and I have had this conversation in times past.  Here is the question - there are always more people who need help than there are workers or money to meet the need.  If the money does not increase as the need increases what happens?  If we train people to provide for themselves through the gifts, talents and passions God has put in their heart then they move from needing to be helped to part of the helping team!  How awesome is that?  By training them, teaching them best practices and teaching them to treat their employees like God tells us to; their lives are changed, communities transformed and nations radically impacted for the Kingdom of God!

Most of us are not called to be ordained pastors - sheep, shepherd - you do the math.  Most of us go to jobs or our place of business every day.  We spend most of our waking hours there and develop strong relationships there.  So how do we bring the Kingdom into these places and change our communities and nations for the Kingdom of God; no matter what country we live in?  What is the process to be naturally supernatural in our everyday lives?  I think it starts by not separating the two.  Some of you are naturally gifted to do certain types of business or labor that nobody else can do.  Some of you are gifted to make lots of money to fund the kingdom of God, (Jesus had people who followed Him that paid the bills).  Some of you will invent things, write a book, create wonderful music or art - how can you advance the Kingdom of God through the gifts and talents He has given you?   

I have learned one thing over my journey - people spend time and money in what interest them and what they love.  I know several ministers, counselors  and financial trainers who say show me your check book and cell phone and I can tell you what and who you love.  So I would ask a simple question today - who and what do you love?  Before you answer too quickly - check and see if where you are actually spending your time and money on match up with what and who you say you love.

Blessings as you advance the Kingdom of God where ever you live today.

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