Friday, July 20, 2012

Ready or Not

I really can't believe I am here.  I have talked about it, prayed about it and had people speak into my life about it, but I have a hard time believing I am really here. 

The last two weeks have seemed like a blur.  I worked almost every day the week of July forth, except that day.  The kids and I went to the 4th of July in Carthage at the park (Leslie and Evan went to her mom's house) and we had a great time.  Brayden and Harmony are so much fun to watch together.  I love watching Thomas - he reminds me so much of Jason when he was little, it cracks me up!

Then Friday and Saturday we had one last sale - Amy, Susan and I to clear out some of the holiday stuff still remaining.  Ben has been sorting and cleaning out his room too getting ready to go to the ranch in Montana.  He will have a great time there!  Then Sunday to church with John and Shannon in Springfield and received much prayer and affirmation that I am really headed in the right direction.

Monday through Friday are a mixture of packing, sorting and trying to get the house ready to sell - oh yes did I forget to mention that I am also in the middle of selling my house and van as well.  Then add summer school into the mix and what was I thinking?  That I would really be ready to leave by July 15th????  I finally got my visa back from the French Consulate (that's another story all by itself) and turned around and sent off for my Congo visa.  Nothing like cutting it close - I had it sent to Shannon in Lees Summit so I would be sure to get it. 

On Saturday I was up early and painted the front porch and around the windows and doors.  Then off to Springfield by 11:30 to meet up with some precious Aglow ladies that I had not seen in years.  They are precious to me and did what Aglow ladies do - they prayed for me and committed to continue to pray while I am gone.  Then back to see my sister and spend some time with her before I leave. Next it was time to I said "see-ya-later" the kids and grandkids - we went to the house of bounce in Joplin and then out to eat. After that to Best Buy to pick up a last minute adapter, to the mall to say "see-ya-later" to Brenda and then out to John & Shannon's to drop off the van and pick up Shannon and back to my house to finish packing.  Amy was there when we got there and it took us almost all night - there was more than I thought.  We laughed and had such a good time - I am thankful for such sweet ladies.

Sunday morning Brian and Brayden came and picked me up.  He asked me if he should have brought a trailer - funny guy.  After we were loaded we went and picked up Amy and headed to KC.  I called Shannon and she met us in Harrisonville for lunch at Applebees.  As we were ready to leave I scooted across the bench and caught my favorite Capri's on a nail and ripped them.  I was a little disappointed, but what can you do you are about to catch a plane.  Shannon and I hugged our "see-ya-later" hug and off we went. 

The airport was quick as well.  Checking in and repacking a couple of bags.  I held Brayden and he kept asking to get on the plane with me.  If I had not been going to DR Congo I would have taken him with me!!! He could not understand why I was crying and why he could not go with me.  That was extremely hard!!! I got through customs and Amy was waiting to see that everything was ok - that is one of her amazing gifts - and then they were gone.

It was a long three day trip.  On Sunday I went from KC to Toronto to Montreal and ended there that evening.  I met a sweet young lady returning from China and we shared a room at the Crown Plaza.  She told me about her trip and I was encouraged for the trip ahead of me.  I slept in as my flight to Brussels was not until 5:00.  That flight was an all nighter, but I was by the exit and could not recline my seat - so I didn't sleep so well.  I had only a couple of hours to find my connecting flight and had to take a shuttle to a different part of the airport.  I arrived in plenty of time and I slept on the flight to DR Congo.  I made it through customs and everyone was very nice and friendly coming into Congo - it was on the other side of the customs gate that I ran into my first problem - but I'll save that for another time. 

It felt like this trip took on a life of its own.  Once I said yes and started the process, provision came, doors opened and people encouraged and loved on me like never before.  I think if I had a long time to think about it might have made it harder.  I have many wonderful friends who do not understand what in the world I am doing or why I would want to come here.  Many told me that they could not leave their kids or grandkids - and that was the hardest part.  I still am not sure about all the things God wants to show and teach me here or of the lives he wants to touch through a white headed grandma from Missouri.  All I know is I felt like He asked me and I said yes -  so ready or not here we go!!!

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