Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Perservere! Stay With It!

I know that two of the gifts that God has given me is perseverance and optimism.  I believe they have carried me through many hard times in my life.  That being said, there are days when I have to remind myself over and over why I am living in France and working so hard every day.  For the last four years I have had to put my head down and keep going, no matter how I felt or what it looked like.  I have decided that mental work (learning a new vocation and new language) are in some ways harder than physical labor.   Just as many of you know, life is not a fairy tale and it is hard work.  Over the past couple of months I have had several classmates comment that they don't know how I am doing what I am doing, especially with French exams, mid-terms and major projects all due at the same time.  My response is always, it is only by the grace of God.

I have always known that I could not do all that God has called me to on my own.  I knew at some point I was going to need to help to finish this race set before me.  Well, I have reached the point and I need your help finish this year.  Living in Albertville has been much more expensive than we had budgeted for last year.  The exchange rate for the dollar to the euro has really taken a drop over the past six months.  I had to semi furnish my apartment and food is much more expensive as there are not as many markets for competitive pricing as there was in Chambery.  There were some other unexpected expenses, but nothing that took God by surprise, but it has rocked my world more than once.

This is the real life part of the journey on the way to Africa.  I know that God has already figured out how this is going to work out and I have real peace about it.  However, it will still be interesting to see how it all unfolds.  I know I am where I am supposed to be at this season in my life.  I have been exhausted most of the time since January 2nd  really spending almost every minute studying in the beginning.  I have had to learn how to pace myself and make myself take breaks.  But through it all He is faithful and He has given me strength when I didn't think I can go any farther.

I am asking you for financial help in this leg of the journey.  This might not seem like a lot of money to many of you, but it will make a tremendous difference to me.  I am asking you to consider $25, $50 or $100 per month for the rest of the year so I can stay the course.  I know some tremendous things are getting ready to unfold here with this group of missionaries, the staff at the school and what God wants to release here in Albertville.  The battle has been too great and the call to know Him deeper is increasing in the hearts of many.  I believe that as you give, you are partnering with me to accomplish what He has put in my heart for Albertville and Africa.

I want to say thank you to those who have already partnered with me through your prayers and gifts.  I am praying for you as we partner together, we will all be able to rejoice together at the goodness of God here in Albertville and there where you live as well.  The call and direction is clearer than ever and I am expecting big things for all of us this year.  What an amazing time to be alive and serving in the Kingdom of God!

There are three ways to partner with me.

If you are in Europe you can send your check directly to me:
               Karen Banta
               1 Place Ferdinand Million
               73200 Albertville  France

If you are in the U.S. you can send your check to :
              Karen Banta
              c/o Corrine Boehne (my sister)
              1014 North Dade 41
              Jerico Springs, MO  64756

or you can click on the African continent link below to give on line.

Thank you again for your friendship, encouragement and financial support.  Love and blessings
