Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How to Care for Our Missionaries

Author: Richard Brindley Category: General, Missions

We tend to assign missionaries very extraordinary reputations—like “Varsity Christians” or “Gospel-centered Special Forces.” But, of course, they are just ordinary people. And while we may think of them solely as missionaries, they are not missionaries first. They are people first; ordinary believers who just happen to be missionaries.  
Their role in the Great Commission is to go and take the gospel to other nations. For the rest of us, our role is to send them. They go, we send. And as John the Apostle says in 3 John 6-8, we are to “send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God.” John continues, “For they have gone out for the sake of the name…Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth.”
As fellow workers, there are two key ways we can help send and sustain missionaries: by caring for the person and by supporting their work.

Caring for the Person

Because missionaries are ordinary people, we can care for them just like we do any other person. We can encourage them, love them, pray for them, spend time with them, contribute to their needs, celebrate with them and weep with them.
But, while their identity may be ordinary, the context of their life is not. The extraordinary call on their life to leave the comforts and close community of home and move to a spiritually neutral or even spiritually unwelcoming people for the sake of the gospel means their ordinary day is not like any ordinary day in the Metroplex. This means we’ll be extending very ordinary care to people in very extraordinary environments. We will constantly need to ask, “How do we love and support someone in a high-pressure environment 10,000 miles away?” 
Here are a few suggestions:
  • Get acquainted. Use Skype or Google Hangouts to get to know them. If you’re caring for a missionary as a Home Group, have each member of your group make a short video introducing themselves, quickly sharing about their life and praying for the missionary. Share the videos with them through Dropbox or send them with the next care package.
  • Ask. Ask them how you can best care for them. Sometimes what we think would be helpful may not fit their context.
  • Communicate often. Typically, two or three quick texts or emails a week are much better than one long email each month. These can be a quick prayer or a quick hello. Consistent little gestures of care and love tend to be much better than one rare, big one.
  • Respond to their newsletters. It’s tremendously encouraging. Your response doesn’t have to be long, just respond.
  • Pray with them and encourage them. Pray for their strength, for their affections and for fearless love for those they’re ministering to. Pray for God to move mightily. If you’re among their closest community, give them the opportunity to join your group in grace-filled confession and repentance and then Spirit-filled worship. Encourage them in the Word. Remind them of God’s faithfulness.
  • Remember security. Check with the missionary or church to be sure your communication doesn’t endanger missionaries working in countries actively opposed to Christianity.
  • Send care packages. Send some encouragement and some fun. Send things that would bless them based on your interactions with them.
  • Visit. Few things are more loving and encouraging than face-to-face. Consider a short-term mission trip to see and support their ministry firsthand.
  • Get creative. Do you write? Scrapbook? Make videos? Consider collecting pictures, prayers and stories of God’s movement in their life and ministry and recording them. On key anniversaries or during difficult seasons for your missionary, pull out the stories and remember with them God’s faithfulness (Ps. 66).

Supporting Their Work

We can support the work of ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances by two essential practices: praying and giving. Prayer is essential, as only God can bring people from death to life (Ezek. 36:26-27). Finances are essential, as sending a missionary to live in another country and providing for their ministry costs money. And while both the provision for the work and fruit of it belong to God, God tells us to ask Him to provide it (John 15:16).
  • Support them with prayer. Pray for the missionary. Pray for their people. Get to know the people they’re ministering to by name. Consider assigning each one to a member of your Home Group to intentionally pray for that person’s salvation and sanctification (John 15:16; Jas. 5:13-18).
  • Support them with finances. Search your budget. Give monthly. Sacrifice. Give prayerfully. Ask God to use your money to make disciples. When bigger needs or projects arise for your missionary, consider fundraising for it as a group.

Final Thoughts

John the Apostle goes so far as to call missionary supporters “fellow workers in the truth” (3 John 6-8). The apostle Paul calls them, “partners in the gospel” (Phil. 1:5, 4:15-20). Be encouraged that your role among the nations as a missionary supporter is never second-class. Support your missionary well, in a manner worthy of God. Finally, remember that a happy, healthy missionary is not the only goal of missionary care. A well-cared for and fully supplied missionary is our hope, but our greater hope is that by partnering with our missionaries as fellow workers, we will make more disciples together than either of us could on our own. May God use our ordinary efforts to build an extraordinary partnership between those who send and those who go.

I copied this because it has been hard for me to make the mind shift that I am a "missionary".  I have always had a heart for  Africa and now for France as I have lived here the past year.  I hope that if you have missionaries that your church supports that you get behind them 100%.  Leaving your home, people you love and moving across the globe is not easy.  For those of us learning a foreign language adds another layer of difficulty. If you don't support a missionary and you would like to there is a link below.  I am studying French in order to be able to work in the French speaking countries of Africa, beginning with DR Congo.  Thank you for your prayers and support. Love and blessings - Karen   

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

How It began: View from the Mountain Top It began: View from the Mountain Top: Many of the students went skiing today, but I had taxes to finish, FAFSA to submit and homework to do.  I have been struggling to get back...

View from the Mountain Top

Many of the students went skiing today, but I had taxes to finish, FAFSA to submit and homework to do.  I have been struggling to get back to writing, but I had determined that today I would begin again. Living in the Alps mountains in France has been really different for me.  I grew up in SW Missouri where there are some hills, but no mountains.  The amazing thing about mountains is that from the top you can see for miles, but in the valley you can't see very far. However, climbing a mountain is hard work and takes time.  If you are a hiker or a biker it can take days to get to the top of a really high mountain.  It is a little like my journey with the Lord.  I love the mountain top, the view (new revelation) and the clean fresh air (new experiences with Holy Spirit) are so wonderful.  Even though you can't live on the mountain top forever, you can carry your experience with you.  Down in the valley is where most of the real life takes place, like taxes.....

Ah yes, as I finished filling out the spread sheet for the taxes, I was overwhelmed with the goodness of God, my Dad and how He has provided for me this past year. I have known Him as my heavenly Dad for several years and I so cherish our relationship.  I have found peace, comfort, security and safety in His arms - like any little girl running into the arms of her daddy.  He is my very best friend and we talk about everything. Sometimes I must admit, I have been guilty of doing most of the talking rather than listening.   Probably one of the things I love so much about Him is that I can ask Him anything and He does not get mad or think I am dumb.  In return He asks me questions to gently teach me and show me how I could have done something differently or in a way that would have brought better results.  He is always encouraging me to think bigger and sometimes I tell Him I don't know how, but I am trying.  

So today I want to invite you to go to the mountain top with me, even if it is only in the picture above.  If you have not known the God of heaven and earth as your Dad, ask Him to show you what that means for you.  Whatever you need today, ask Him for the revelation that will let you see it like He sees it.  His perspective from the mountain top is so different from ours here in the valley.   Let Him wrap His arms around you and take all your fears and give you His peace.

 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.  Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.
 “All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  John 14:23-27  NIV

Dad, I pray for whoever is reading this today.  May they have a deeper revelation of you as their Dad, the one who loves them more than anyone else in the whole world.  May they allow you to take their fears, pain, sorrow and be able to receive your wonderful peace.  May they be able to tangibly feel Your loving arms around them and feel safe.  Thank you so much for choosing to be our Dad - for being my Dad - I love you so much.